Happy New Year Everyone!

New Year, New Look for the blog! After 3 years, I decided to switch it up a little. Less clutter, recent posts slider on the home page and also the tabs are back! 🙂

This is my first post of 2015! Decided to take a little break from the blog last week, seeing as I blogged all through the holidays! The Giveaway is well and truly closed, will announce the winners before the end of the week.

How are you all? Made any resolutions? Share them with me in the comments section….

I already made my resolutions mid last year and just decided to carry them all through 2015, and so far I am doing really good! I did add one thing to my list of resolutions at the start of the year, which was to live my life for me. Not everyone (family included) will agree with my choices, but they are mine to make and if mistakes result from said choices, there will be lessons to learn and that’s the only way I can grow!

My year has been off to a good start, received quite a few surprises including these personalized coke bottles from Coca Cola Nigeria!

Was a very very cool surprise, wasn’t expecting it at all. They just showed up at my office last week Friday and really put a smile on my face.

These ‘Share a coke with..’ bottles are now available to buy in Lagos (not sure about nationwide just yet) with Nigerian names on them!

Anyways just a quick post to wish you all my lovely readers a Happy New Year! Hope I provide you all with even better content this year and lots of exciting projects to share!

What’s your New Year’s resolution?


Ez xxX