Written by: @beautyharbour  | Image by: Getty Images

When you do a procedure like surgery or filler that changes how you look significantly or even slightly, there is a loss of identity which can challenge your mental health significantly. A psychotherapist described it as a deep grief for a self which seems to have permanently disappeared.

Before and after pictures are the hallmark of cosmetic procedures and we all love them. But there is a dark side no one talks about, the REGRET. I was a victim, and it wasn’t even a major procedure, but that experience let me know I’d be a terrible candidate for any permanent cosmetic procedure that significantly changes my appearance.

Want to know what sparked this realisation for me, here’s my personal regret story:

In September of 2022, I decided to have fillers done in my nasolabial folds. I am over 40 and my face is much more hollow than it was when I was younger so I booked an appointment.

What are fillers?
Dermal fillers are “gel-like substances” injected beneath the skin to add volume and smooth creases. They can be used to enhance the contours of the face as well.

American Board of Cosmetic Surgery

I took my before pictures and the Doctor offered suggestions on what might be helpful for my face. Thankfully I stuck to my initial plan and was conservative and decided on only getting it in my nasolabial folds.

The procedure was flawless, I didn’t have any reactions or side effects. I was a bit swollen but that was to be expected. Bute here’s the catch, I hated it. I hated everything about it .

A few days after the procedure every time I looked in the mirror my face looked deformed. I could see the difference between what I looked like before and what now horrified me. So instead of looking better, I felt I looked worse.

Curious to see if I was alone in how I felt, I started doing research to see if there were others who felt the same, and the results are interesting:

Over 65% of people who have cosmetic surgery regret it! That is a whopping two-thirds of the people.

Common reasons for regret

  • The results didn’t match their expectations – 33%
  • Encountered complications – 24%
  • Didn’t pay attention to possible side effects –17%
  • Felt less confident than prior to surgery – 13%
  • Regret spending the money – 8%

3 Reasons Why Regret Is So Common?

  1. The most common reason was lack of research into the procedure. So there wasn’t thorough understanding or realistic expectations going in.
  2. The second reason was fully depending on the advice of the surgeon or the practitioner and not getting at least a second opinion on what would work best.
  3. The final reason was relying on the results that others who had the procedure, and expecting it to be the same for them.


  1. Before you decide on going ahead with any procedure, read up about it to find out the best and worst-case scenarios so that you can decide if you can live with it.
  2. Get multiple opinions so as to be sure the information you’re receiving is accurate. Assuming you will get the same results as your friends, is a recipe for disaster because you are not the same.

How do I feel about my face now?

I can safely tell you that I am okay with how it looks. It’s been just over 6 months since I had the filler done and except for some occasions when I feel a bit off, my face looks normal to ME. Why do I emphasise ‘Me’? Because all the time where I felt I looked deformed, no one noticed a difference; even my own mother didn’t notice any change in my face.

Would I have fillers done in the future? Highly unlikely, considering how I felt after the procedure.

What is your experience, if any, with cosmetic procedures? Let me know in the comments