When it comes to flawless skin and long healthy hair, some of us lucked out in that department; we have to put in the work, and it is what it is. 

Just like with anything else in life, progress can be achieved with the right information, resources and support. Love your skin and it will love you back.;same thing goes forhair.

It is no secret that the journey to healthy hair and skin involves a consistent routine (the daily or weekly habits that form part of our self care). The right products coupled with a consistent  routine equals ah-mazing results! What we put in our bodies is equally as important as what we put on our bodies. With skincare and hair, vitamins are a great way to boost our self care results,while at the same time supporting our immune systems. 

Benefits of including vitamins in your routine.

  1. Vitamins help keep our skin healthy from the inside out. Vitamin C contributes to the production of collagen in our bodies. Collagen helps to keep our skin elastic and youthful.
  2. Vitamin E helps to reduce the appearance of scars and premature wrinkles. It is an antioxidant that helps repair damaged skin cells.
  3. Brighter skin can be achieved through the use of Vitamin C. This time around, the application is topical i.e. on our skin and not in our mouths. Vitamin C serums help with hyperpigmentation, redness caused by inflammation, even skin tone and an overall skin brightness. 
  4. For hair growth, Biotin is the go to vitamin supplement. Biotin helps to stimulate hair growth. Conversely a lack of Biotin in our bodies could result in hair thinning and hair loss.
  5. When coupled with sunscreen, Vitamin A helps to protect our skin from sun damage. It works by interrupting the process that breaks down collagen and helps in protecting the skin from possible sunburn. P.s. Vitamin A by itself is not sufficient in preventing sunburns. You need both sunscreen and your vitamins for optimum results.

Now that we have discovered some of the benefits of vitamins in our skincare and hair routines, would you consider adding vitamins to your next shopping list? Let us know in the comment section below.

 P.s. Please consult your doctor before starting on any supplements.