Photo by Daria Shchukova from Burst 

The Only Constant In Life Is Change


This famous quote by Heraclitus rings so true… However, when it comes to instructions/directions on how to use a skincare product, we would much rather have it be….. UN-Changing. Which is why we are excited to launch this mini-series: ‘THE EVER-CHANGING RULES AROUND BEAUTY’. Taking a little deep-dive to explore and understand why the proverbial goal post is constantly shifting when it comes to beauty.

Before social media became a thing, access to accurate beauty information was very limited, and somewhat reserved for the professionals and experts. It seemed like a luxury to be able to understand what a certain product did for your skin, or even the name of ingredients. We just generally trusted the beauty professionals to recommend a product/treatment based on their qualifications, knowledge and years of experience. In that era it seemed like access to accurate information was a luxury reserved for those who could afford to be in the know, and then they filtered that information down to the average beauty consumer through credible sources.

Fast-forward to today, and social media has disrupted the way we all access and consume information. While it may have helped ‘democratize’ access to information, it’s actually ushered in a lot more negatives than positives. Prior to social media, one could vouch for the source of information as being credible, as it was almost always coming from a knowledgeable entity. Now everyone and anyone is dishing out beauty/skincare advice and we have no idea if they’re qualified to do so!

These multiple unqualified/non-credible sources, then use social media to amplify their inaccurate information to even more people. With so many different perspectives, viewpoints and opinions floating around, it’s only inevitable that the results are these ever-changing rules and standards. All which leave the beauty consumer impressionable, confused & overwhelmed.

Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst 

Gradually, overtime, this has affected the way the average beauty consumer navigates the industry. Downgrading them from an Intelligent Consumer to a Gullible Consumer, simply because of the way they now have access to information… quite plainly, because of Social Media!

A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.

Max Planck, Scientific Autobiography, 1950

The above quote by Nobel Prize Award-winning physicist Max Planck, could give a different perspective to what seems to be “ever-changing rules”. If we were to paraphrase it to “beauty speak” it will read:

A new beauty/skincare rule does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents aren’t on social media and so a new digital-generation grows up that is familiar with it.

BeautyInLagos, BiL Beauty Resource, 2024

Are the rules changing? Or are the qualified professionals simply not on social media and inevitably we are just simply adopting what is being fed?

Either way, it seems all too confusing for the average beauty consumer and so with this series we want to explore why the rules keep changing. Things like Sunscreen application, double-cleansing, exfoliation, product cycling etc.

What is the safest way to consume beauty? Is the onus on the professionals to regulate the information out there or the consumer to always do their due-diligence?

We will be looking at them all! So stay tuned….