First off, if you aren’t following @MakeupforWOC on twitter, what exactly are you doing with your life right now? She’s literally THE skincare guru to follow, after Ms. Hirons of course ;). Her insight, reviews & recommendations are A¹. I came across a twitter thread she created about laser hair removal, which I found SO insightful & informative, I had to share. I culled a few gems so, according to @MakeupforWOC, here’s 10 Important Facts to Know About Laser Hair Removal:

  1. There are also two types of hair: Vellus and Terminal. Vellus is ‘Peach Fuzz‘, Terminal is thick, coarse hair. Laser works best on Terminal hair. If you laser Vellus hair, it can possibly turn into Terminal. (Ps: Peach Fuzz is the hair that gets taken off during Dermaplaning. For more about Dermaplaning click: here)
  2. People with Light Blonde, Gray, White or Red hair are NOT candidates for Laser Hair Removal. Why? Their hair follicles ain’t got no Chromophore. What’s ‘Chromophore’ you ask? Chromophore is the melanin in the hair follicle, it’s essentially what the laser targets because it absorbs the laser light, which causes the hair to fall off. There’s a lack of melanin in Blonde, White, Grey & Red hair hence nothing for the laser to ‘target’ thereby rendering in-effective.
  3. “Does laser hurt?” It can, but cooling systems help ALOT. There are cold air sprays & cryogenic gels/spray, but the most effective are the ones that have contact with your skin. Can also help prevent burns.
  4. ND YAG 1064 laser is the ONLY laser option for skin types 5 & 6 on the Fitzpatrick Scale, aka black/dark skin.
  5. Minimum number of treatments for laser: 6-10.
    • For facial hair: 6-10 treatments. Every 4-6 weeks.
    • for body hair: 6-10 treatments. Every 6-8 weeks.
    • for hair on the back, legs, chest & stomach: 6-10 treatments. Every 8-10 weeks.
  6. You need to shave before getting laser.
  7. After you get laser, your hair will purge. It’s just dead hair that needs to be shaved or exfoliated. Hair grows back several weeks after purging, which is usually the time you’re ready for your next session anyway.
  8. Pedifollicular Edema is a normal side-effect of laser and what you want for an effective laser treatment. The skin is raised, swollen and red. Cold helps it go down in a few days. Burns, Hyperpigmentation, Infection or Permanent Scars are NOT normal side-effects.
  9. Stay out of the sun for a week after your appointment. No exercising or overheating for 48 hours.
  10. Hormones can affect the success of laser treatments. e.g. PCOS, pregnancy. Women who have done laser in the past, may grow back hair years later due to pregnancy.

More on Laser Hair Removal: